Practice and connect

From movement classes you can do from home to community discussions and in-person courses, our offerings allow you to practice however you need to.


Online Programs & Retreats


Relational Somatics Program

A four-week guided online group program exploring the foundations of nervous system regulation and learning practical somatic tools for orienting towards connection, pleasure, ease, creativity and joy.

Beginning Tuesday July 2nd
$180 - $240

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An at-home retreat

Online slow flow and yin yoga classes, wholesome recipe and original content.

24/7 access online
Lifetime access
$30 - $50


Memberships & Classes

Our memberships and classes support you in cultivating a consistent practice within the container of a community setting.


Self-soothe restorative yin workshop at Green Mondays

On Sunday June 30th 2023 5-6.15pm at Green Mondays studio, we will be exploring how we can tend to the nervous system. This immersive in-person session will blend restorative yin, self-massage, and somatic and mindfulness techniques for self-soothing.

Concession $20

Non-Concession $25

Weekly restorative yin & somatics practice group

Beginning Sunday Feb 25th 2024, this membership of weekly classes is designed to provide a feeling of both community and convenience.

Concession $35 per month ($8 per class)

Non-Concession $55 ($13 per class)